UWoF and what is to come.
Needless to say, but spoilers ahead you should read the stories, UWoF and Falling Sky before continuing, you can find them on the archives page.
So UWoF actually went through many different iterations through it’s writing process. It was originally a much different story featuring knights, magic, and an evil wizard, but that all eventually changed. Originally it wasn’t intended to be more than a piece in the universe with no real connection to anything else I was writing, but by happenstance I plopped in Antonia, and the UWoF, and use it as a staging post for Antonia’s solo series, which will pick up after the events of UWoF and well as establish the UWoF as an artifact in the world.
An interesting side note, UWoF stands for untitled work of fiction and was the placeholder title for the story for that reason. It became something more as an afterthought. The proper name for the UWoF in the story will be revealed sometime in the future.
I’m going to say this here, UWoF will be edited in the future but not by much, it’ll get a touch up to make the story more consistent. I haven’t decided yet when or if I’ll post it, or re-post it, as it were, but we’ll see after I finish the changes. The main changes are that the Palatine Empire will play a bigger role, and Antonia’s role will make more sense and be more consistent with her character design. Also, some planned dialogue cleanup, to make it the story flow better.
The important thing is that UWoF is the starting point for many more stories to come. It establishes a backstory for Antonia, and The Aventine Emperor, Dio, Characters who will either get their own series or be recurring characters throughout my stories. Antonia’s series is likely to be the next story I write after the UWoF edit, which is kinda why I want to make the edit first since its changes will have a direct impact on the story elements.
After that, I do have something else lined up but it’ll take place after the events of the later story I aim to talk about here, Falling Sky.
So Falling Sky also had a few different iterations, it’s been something I worked on a few years back. I handed it around to a few people to get an idea of how it flowed back when I used to have a full-time job. The big changes between it and the current version were mostly location. The new one takes place in my fictional Aventine Empire, where the old one took place in Washington D.C. The governor used to be the president but those are the only main story changes, oh and the ending. The ending used to have Catherine leading a resistance against the Alien invaders rather than the tie in ending that the new version has.
I’ve thought about cleaning up Falling Sky, but dunno if I ever will, yes it sets the stage for what can happen next. However, what happens next will be several years in the future and minor details of the story will be mostly irrelevant and the major details will remain the same including the tie in ending.
I always wanted to tell a story starting from its ending, that was the original idea for how Falling Sky started as a project. Sure, I changed it later adding a proper ending after the fact that takes place with the female lead, who would later become Catherine.
So I think I should maybe talk a bit about the story that will follow Falling Sky. I have an idea for a cyberpunk noir starring a cyborg detective. I’ve written the first story before and I’ll likely use many elements of it in the new take, but it’ll again be adapted to the new universe. Originally it took place in a future version of America where corporations ruled the world. Now it’ll take place in Aventine, as the Empire expands to take over the world and becomes the Terran Empire that is featured in the Starship Morningstar series.
On another side note, there is a series planned to take place after Starship Morningstar, with many of the same races and factions and even a few of the characters. However, technically many of the Morningstar’s adventures will be a bit too silly to fit with the other stories so while they will retain the same shape as crafted by the stories that come before it, Morningstar’s adventures will likely have little to no impact on the stories that follow it. That being said I do have half a mind to have Morningstar end with the crew making a daring attempt to steal the UWoF from the Terran Empire, but that is likely years away yet.
That’s all I have to say on what I’ve written so far, I think I’ll do one of these as a quick follow up after I write a story from now on. So look forward to it.