Why the silence?

Well, some of you may be wondering why I haven't written much over the last few months. That's mostly to do with the fact that I'm less creative during the winter months. So I don't really feel the need to write as much during that time, and much of what I do could come out subpar. 

So instead of worrying about all that I usually do little writing during that time. I sometimes forget that I don't talk much to everyone reading this so some of you are left out of the loop of why I'm not writing. I apologize to you and promise once spring rolls around again you'll see much more content for this website again. 

If nothing really grabs my interest like the Paris attacks that sparked the I Was Angry post. then I usually will let the time go by with little to no posting, at least for now. We'll see if that changes over time. 

For those still wondering the next story was started before I stopped writing so I'll see if there's any chance of it being finished up by the end of January/February. If it's ready before then I'll let you know here. If it's not ready by then, it'll be ready end of March. The blog should be back to its regular activity about then.